About The Nanaimo Rhododendron SocietyThe Nanaimo Rhododendron Society was established in September 1992. It is affiliated with the American Rhododendron Society, and is one of seven chapters in British Columbia, including four others on Vancouver Island and two more in the Lower Mainland. The purpose of the Society is to introduce members and the public to rhododendrons through meetings, garden tours, and flower shows and to provide an opportunity to meet people with similar interests. Our regular monthly meetings include a guest speaker who typically gives a slide show on some aspect of gardening. Members share their experience on how to grow rhododendrons in our climate, including choice of plants, use of fertilizers, pruning, preparing flower trusses for shows, taking cuttings, grafting and growing from seed. Every meeting includes a raffle, a coffee break where members can mingle, and usually a plant table selling donated rooted cuttings and small plants. Annual membership rates are $40 for an individual and $45 for family. Members receive a free name tag, a monthly newsletter as well as the Journal of the American Rhododendron Society, which is published quarterly. In December, the regular meeting is replaced by a Christmas party and auction. In June we have a garden picnic. There are no meetings in July and August. The Society maintains an extensive library of reference books on rhododendrons and on gardening subjects. |
Our Newsletter
Meetings are held at 7:30pm on the second Thursday of each month from September through May at Beban Park, 2300 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC
Click here for our February Newsletter