
Information about Rhododendron and Azalea Culture:

How to choose the right rhododendron

Rhododendron Species for a Changing Climate

Landscaping with Fantastic Rhododendron Foliage in Mind

How to plant a rhododendron – YouTube video by Steven Hootman, RSF

Rhododendron Caring Schedule

List of known Rhododendron Species

Techniques for propagation rhododendrons and azalea by Donald W. Hyatt:

Evergreen Azaleas  by Steve Henning 

Climate of Vancouver Island 

Fundamentals of Rhododendron & Azalea Culture 

How to Identify Rhododendron and Azalea Problems

Terry Richmond’s backgrounder on fertilizers 

Article in Davidsonia  by D. Justice on the rhodo collection at UBC Bot Gdn

 Best Rhododendrons for Mid Vancouver Island

Exclusive Rhododendrons by Chris Southwick

Rubicon Rhododendron by Dick Beamish

Building a Propagator

All about Mason Bees

Fruit Trees and other plants:

Growing Figs in Central Vancouver Island by RT. Schmidt

Fuyu Japanese Persimmon Tree

Loquat Tree 

A list of native plants by FVC: 

Notable Gardens in our area:

Hailey Rhododendron Grove 

Rhododendron Lake 

The Greig Rhododendron Species Collection at Milner Garden

Rhododendron Collection at Milner Gardens & Woodland

NRS Recollections:

NRS Memories – 30th Anniversary September 2022 

Various Collections:

Des Kennedy: Weather or Not – musings on weather or is it on the gardener?

Loquat Leaf Tea 

Internal Information:

Library books available for members

Speakers at NRS 

Club Bylaws



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