
Interesting Links

Rhododendron Information

American Rhododendron Society – comprehensive source of plant information
Quarterly Bulletin of the American Rhododendron Society – online archive
District 1 Chapters of the ARS – our District website, regional directors, and all BC chapters
Cowichan Rhododendron Society, chapter in Duncan
Mount Arrowsmith Rhododendron Society, chapter in Parksville-Qualicum
North Island Rhododendron Society, chapter in Comox, Victoria, BC chapter 
Rhododendron Society of Canada – ARS District 12 Halifax
Eureka Chapter – host of the 2017 ARS national convention
Rhododendron & Azalea Electronic Newsletter – contributions from chapters of ARS
Eastern North American Rhododendrons and Azaleas by Don Hyatt
Marc Colombel founder and 14 yr. president of the Rhododendron Society in Brittany, France, excellent photos and local hydrids
Western North American Species Project – maps and location of west coast species

Local Gardens and Clubs

Abkhazi Gardens – lovely historic gardens operated by The Land Conservancy
Clayoquat Island – garden open to public annually on May long weekend
Milner Gardens & Woodland  – 28 hectares (70 acres) of forest garden with mature rhododendrons
Dominion Brook Park – 100 years old,  4.5 hectares of mature trees, rhodos, etc.
Nanaimo Horticultural Society
Gardens BC news & events at local gardens
Pacific Northwest Palm & Exotic Plant Society

Other Gardens

Exbury Gardens – home of the famous Rothschild rhododendrons and azaleas
Meerkerk Rhododendron Garden on Whidbey Island in Puget Sound has an extensive collection of rhodos

Rhododendron Species Foundation Botanical Garden – good source for species rhododendrons
Ted and Mary Greig Rhododendron Garden – in Stanley Park – 4,500 plants started with gift from Greigs in 1960s
UBC Botanical Garden – has David C. Lam Asian Garden with rhododendrons and magnolias.  Click here for Google Earth tour of garden.
VanDusen Botanical Garden – good collection of hybrid rhododendrons along with more than 7,000 plants

General Garden Reference

E-flora BC – electronic atlas of the plants of British Columbia
Donna Balzer -information for gardeners
Icangarden has a directory of Garden Clubs and garden information from across Canada
Rhododendron, Camelia and Magnolia Group, Royal Horticultural Society – info and images of rhodo species and hybrids
Island Nature – natural history of Vancouver Island
American Rhododendron Society Online Store  Purchases benefit the ARS.

Local Nurseries and Garden Supplies
BC Seed Security Project – list of BC-grown vegetable, flower and herb seeds
Fruit Trees & More – Bob & Verna Duncan nursery, demonstration garden
The Bug Lady (biological pest control)

Members’ Web Pages

Dick Beamish – C.M., O.B.C., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.C.
International Gulf of Alaska Salmon Expedition organized by Dick Beamish.
Brain Coach – Gary Anaka
John Deniseger
Rosina Schmidt – Hrastovac – Eichendorf history
USANA Health Sciences – Joyce and Craig Clarke

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