NRS Silver Medal Recipients
2022 Silver Medal Award: Chris Southwick
You have significantly advanced rhododendron awareness and knowledge through District 1. You co-chaired the successful 2012 Nanaimo ARS Fall Convention and strongly supported the 2015 and 2019 conferences. You have judged truss hows, participated in expert panels, given talks, produced an online rhododendron seminar, published articles in JARS, and served as District 1’s Alternate Director. You have contributed extensively to the development of the Greig Rhododendron Species Garden in Milner Gardens @ Woodlands (MGW) and tirelessly promoted rhododendrons & horticulture: active member of the Vancouver Island Master Gardeners, MGW Society & the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden boards; co-founder of the “Fall into Gardening” mini-conferences. You are one of the reason the ARS is thriving on Vancouver Island.
For all o there major activities, the American Rhododendron society is pleased to award the silver medal to
2021 Silver Medal Award: June Bouchard and John Deniseger
“You have both enthusiastically supported many activities on Vancouver Island District 1. In particular, your efforts as co-registrars for the 2012 Nanaimo & 2019 Parksville ARS Fall Conventions were critical to the success of both meetings, & over the past years you have both contributed extensively in the development of the Greig Rhododendron Species garden in Milner Gardens & Woodlands. John, in particular, has been active in virtually all phases, from the planning, garden creation & establishment, plan selection, planting & ongoing weeding & maintenance, & you have supported island chapter activities by giving talks & helping organize the new “Fall into Gardening” mini-conferences”
For all these major activities, the American Rhododendron Society is pleased to jointly award the Silver Medal to
June Bouchard
John Deniseger
2020 Silver Medal Award: Art and Susan Lightburn
“You have been long-term members and supporters of the American Rhododendron Society and the genus Rhododendron. You have also hosted tours in your magnificent garden, made presentations and club displays, and served on the executive of both NRS and MARS. Also her photography has enhanced local newsletters, websites, the ARS Journal, and other documents where exceptional photography of rhododendrons is required. You have been tremendous supporters of the Greig Rhododendron Species Garden at Milner Garden and Woodland in Qualicum Beach, B. C. You also gifted more than fifty mature species rhododendrons to these gardens. Your generosity will help to educate and foster love of rhododendrons for generations to come. For these significant contributions, the American Rhododendron Society is pleased to present the Silver Medal to Art and Susan Lightburn.”