Nanaimo Rhododendron Society (NRS) – Truss Show Classes
Our annual Rhododendron Truss Show and Plant Sale is held in Late April/May every year. The Truss Show part of the event is a great way to show people the wide variety of colours, textures and sizes of rhododendrons available in our local area. Each Show Entry is entered to and judged against a specific class. The list of allowed classes for the NRS Truss show is below.
The Novice class entries will be from those who have never entered a Rhododendron Truss Show before in this or any other club and can be from any of the other 15 classes listed below.
NRS Truss Show Classes
- Alpine species (first, second, third)
- Azalea (truss/spray) (first, second, third)
- Blotch/flare hybrid (first, second, third)
- Elepidote species (first, second, third)
- Foliage only (foliage not including truss)
- Hammerhead truss (first only)
- Lax truss (first, second, third)
- Lepidote species (first, second, third)
- Pink hybrid (first, second, third)
- Purple/blue hybrid (first, second, third)
- Red hybrid (first, second, third)
- Salmon/orange hybrid (first, second, third)
- Fragrant (hybrid or species, not azaleas; judged on scent, not standard criteria) (1st, 2nd,3rd)
- White Hybrid (first, second, third)
- Yellow hybrid (first, second, third)
- Novice (first, second, third)
Other related documents to be found on the NRS Website are: a list of ‘Plants by Class’, ‘tips on displaying trusses and sprays’, the entry form and exhibitors form.