NRS Truss Show Clases

Nanaimo Rhododendron Society (NRS) – Truss Show Classes

Our annual Rhododendron Truss Show and Plant Sale is held in Late April/May every year. The Truss Show part of the event is a great way to show people the wide variety of colours, textures and sizes of rhododendrons available in our local area. Each Show Entry is entered to and judged against a specific class.   The list of allowed classes for the NRS Truss show is below.

The Novice class entries will be from those who have never entered a Rhododendron Truss Show before in this or any other club and can be from any of the other 15 classes listed below.

NRS Truss Show Classes

  1. Alpine species (first, second, third)
  2. Azalea (truss/spray) (first, second, third)
  3. Blotch/flare hybrid (first, second, third)
  4. Elepidote species (first, second, third)
  5. Foliage only (foliage not including truss)
  6. Hammerhead truss (first only)
  7. Lax truss (first, second, third)
  8. Lepidote species (first, second, third)
  9. Pink hybrid (first, second, third)
  10. Purple/blue hybrid (first, second, third)
  11. Red hybrid (first, second, third)
  12. Salmon/orange hybrid (first, second, third)
  13. Fragrant (hybrid or species, not azaleas; judged on scent, not standard criteria) (1st, 2nd,3rd)
  14. White Hybrid (first, second, third)
  15. Yellow hybrid (first, second, third)
  16. Novice (first, second, third)


Other related documents to be found on the NRS Website are: a list of ‘Plants by Class’, ‘tips on displaying trusses and sprays’, the entry form and exhibitors form.

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