Nanaimo Rhododendron Society Membership Application Form
Box 241, #101-5170 Dunster Rd., Nanaimo, BC V9T 6M4
Website: email:
Cheques should be made payable to: The Nanaimo Rhododendron Society
Rates: Individual $40, family $45 ; associate (member of another chapter) $10, or $15(family), Student $10
this includes name tag & membership in the American Rhododendron Society.
Please print clearly
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________ Email: _____________________________________ ’
Address: ________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ Postal Code: ___________________
I/we apply to the board of the Nanaimo Rhododendron Society for membership.
Choose type of membership:
Individual____ Family____ Associate_____ Associate Family____ Student____
- I agree to include my phone, address & email for the Society’s membership list
- I agree that my email can be sent to the American Rhododendron Society
- I consent to use of my (circle one only) email, phone, address in the official club register.
_________________________ Date: _________________________